Elevate Your Life in 6 Weeks

Prioritize You: A 6-week Online Course For Women Ready To Reclaim Their Well-Being And Take Charge Of Their Health.

Next Course Starting June 2024

What if you were given the exact roadmap you need to feel good in your body, relieve stress, lose weight, and boost your energy without restrictive diets, challenging health plans, and overwhelming advice?

The truth is you don’t need another health plan; you need a transformative approach to well-being that supports your health goals and fits seamlessly into your life. Something that doesn’t feel like another thing you have to fit in between your already hectic schedule balancing your career and motherhood.

And you’ve been feeling stuck, exhausted, and overwhelmed, and you’re beginning to wonder if it’s even possible to feel better.

With so much advice out there, it’s hard to know who to trust and what will actually work for you.

Truthfully, you don’t have the time or energy to figure it out on your own. In fact, some days, it feels like you’re barely getting by.

You’re feeling anxious and frustrated because you just don’t feel good in your body. You’ve heard of self-love and self-care, but they just feel like unattainable buzzwords for women with less stress and more support. It’s time to take radical responsibility for your well-being with a proven framework designed to get to the root of your health issues so you can boost your energy, radiance, moods, and well-being.


Experiencing a surge in daily energy levels, so you can do everything you need to, including being there for your family, your career, and yourself.

And feeling:
✓ Better about your body
✓ More confident in how you look
✓ In control of your physical, mental, and emotional health
✓ Inspired and motivated to stick to your supportive health protocols
✓ And empowered to make informed health decisions

With real, measurable progress, providing clear evidence that your goals are achievable, like fitting into your old jeans and not craving snacks at 11 pm.

Cultivate a body that feels good from the inside out with a wellness journey designed specifically for women.

And finally, overcome the physical symptoms you’ve been experiencing, including fatigue, weight gain, digestion issues, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, and skin disorders. It’s time to feel good in your body by taking charge of your physical, mental, and emotional health.


I would like every woman I know to take this course. Because the information Lindsay has compiled and shared affects us all. Our sleep, our bodies, our hearts, our minds, our stress, our lives. Making changes in all these areas is the answer to our health questions. We can improve in every area with this education and knowledge of what works and what harms. And what a bonus to have such healthy recipes!! After six weeks, I feel so well, and I still have lots more to work on!! Lindsay’s passion can benefit us all. The information is in bite-sized pieces, there is a weekly live Q&A, and everything is so well explained. It’s all doable and makes sense.” – Marie S.

I hear you…

You see women online who are thriving and looking vibrant and healthy as they age, but truthfully, you don’t know women in real life who are making their health a true priority. You’ve tried so many different strategies and haven’t been able to stick to any of them. You feel lost in the medical system and aren’t getting the support you need. Here’s what you need to know to radically change your health and well-being.

Going from one health approach to the next won’t change how you feel; getting to the ROOT of what’s really going on with your body will. What you need is a healthy approach that prioritizes you.

A strategy that uncovers what’s really happening beneath the surface and then gives you a step-by-step plan to make small, sustainable changes over time.

From a trained professional that’s someone who understands where you’re at now and where you want to go and has empowered thousands of women with their health over the years.

Someone who’s also revolutionized her own health as a vibrant woman in her 40s!


“It’s a great course for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life. It’s only 6 weeks long, and the videos are short, but the course is jam-packed with a lot of information, suggestions, take-aways, and time savers. It’s definitely worth the investment.” – Patricia C.

Prioritize You: Your 6-Week Path to Total Well-Being

A transformative healthy journey where you’ll optimize digestion, sleep, hormonal balance, thyroid function, and stress management and reclaim control over your well-being.

Dr. Lindsay Irwin Photo

Hi, I’m Dr. Lindsay Irwin!

With so much going on in the world and with our lives busier than ever, it can be so easy to get wrapped up in it all and allow confusion, fear, and overwhelm to hijack your health choices and your life. Being in clinical practice for almost 18 years though, I’ve seen firsthand what’s possible when a patient’s health turns around. This is what drives me – to guide others on a life-changing health journey and get women unstuck so they keep pursuing their health goals.

I found that my clients thrive when they learn a few key strategies and start to trust their bodies again.

When it comes to prevention and truly attaining good health – we need more than a yearly check-up. We need a deeper understanding of all the factors that are contributing to our health and an acknowledgement that we are the caretakers of our own bodies. My passion is to support, guide, and mentor women who are ready to make positive changes and embrace the next level of their lives in their family, career, and sense of well-being.

Through an empowering, intuitive approach, I help you gain clarity on what health shifts will help you the most through a combination of Naturopathic, functional medicine and mindset work.

I see your challenges and I’m here to cheer you on and encourage you to make positive changes with accountability and health shifts that work no matter how hard it’s been before.

After working with thousands of patients, here’s what I most find to be some of the common root causes of health issues in women:

Lack Of Sleep + Sleep Disruptions

Poor Digestive Health

Unhealthy Or Improper Food Choices

Lack Of Energy

Toxic Burden (Physical or Mental)

Chronic Infections / Mold Exposure

Nutrient Deficiencies

Hormonal Imbalances

Thyroid Dysfunction


Mind Set Issues

Lack of Excercise

Once my clients get to the root of their health issues, with my support, they transform their health.

If you’re tired of being confused about your health and struggling to actually stick to healthy changes. I can help. I take women from struggling to flourishing with an empowering and impactful 6-week protocol.

Reimagine Your Life…

Not having to rush through bedtime with your kids because you’re so exhausted. Waking up before your alarm goes off instead of struggling to get out of bed.

Feeling energetic throughout the day even when things come up at work or your day doesn’t go as planned. It’s time to get out of a funk and into a healthy, vibrant way of living.

With me as your guide, you’ll go:

Confused about what’s right for you ⇒ Empowered with clarity on how to make informed health choices

Struggling to lose weight and feel good ⇒ Body composition changes, including losing weight, even if it’s felt impossible before

Irritable, stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed ⇒ Resilience to overcome your challenges and confidence in yourself to follow through

Fatigued ⇒ Resilience to overcome your challenges and confidence in yourself to follow through

Unsupported by the medical community with your concerns dismissed ⇒ Fully supported for 6 weeks to make sustainable, lasting changes with an opportunity to continue working with Dr. Irwin

Procrastinating on making positive changes ⇒ Clear on your goals, and on what has been getting in the way, and a clear path as to how to change that

Unsure what to eat to support your health ⇒ An exact meal nourishing plan with recipes and a shopping list

Here’s the exact 6-week roadmap you’ll experience inside the program:

Week 1: Nourish Your Potential – Unlock the secrets of digestion, meal planning, and fueling your body so you feel fabulous. 

Week 2: Mindset Medicine – Reframe your story, shatter limiting beliefs, and take action on your goals.

Week 3: Sleep and Exercise – The ultimate anti-aging and health hacks for longevity, vitality and brain health.

Week 4: Help your Hormones – Understand the absolute importance of these on your energy, mood and body.

Week 5: Master Your Thyroid – Eliminate weight gain and boost your energy.

Week 6: Stress Less, Live More – Reclaim control over your life with lifestyle and time management strategies.


  • Weekly Q&A and teachings with Dr. Lindsay Irwin to conquer obstacles and address your concerns.

  • 6-week meal plan, recipes, and shopping lists for both vegetarians and omnivores.

Join us in the journey to a more vibrant, energetic you!

Join the waitlist now for priority access!

Next Course Begins: June 2024

Unlock your full potential and discover the keys to women’s health through 6 weekly recorded sessions (each 20-30 minutes), based on Dr. Irwin’s 18 years of working with thousands of women.

Limited spots available – secure your VIP waitlist spot today!


How are you different from other Naturopaths?

I seamlessly integrate Naturopathic and functional medicine with mindset work to create a holistic approach to health, addressing both the physical and psychological sides of well-being. With Naturopathic/functional medicine, the focus is on personalized, holistic care that identifies and treats the root causes of health issues.

Complementing this, mindset work dives into the mental and emotional aspects of health. It supports self-discovery, empowerment, and stress management, shifting limiting beliefs and
cultivating positive attitudes. This combined strategy not only treats symptoms but also empowers women to play an active role in their overall health journey.

Will I receive personalized support?

Yes. Along with the course, you will also have direct access to me with weekly Live Q&A

Do you offer refunds?

This is for ambitious women ready to go all-in with their health goals—for that reason, there are no refunds.